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Configure System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) for Okta

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) is an open specification to manage identities across a wide number of software applications through a single identify provider (IdP) such as Okta. Activating SCIM for ALTR will automate creating, updating, and removing ALTR identities from your IdP. ALTR currently support SCIM integrations with Okta.

Prerequisites to enable SCIM in ALTR

You must meet the following prerequisites:

  • You must be a subscriber of ALTR's Enterprise Plan

  • You must have Superadministrator access to your ALTR organization

  • You must have SSO enabled

  • You must be or have access to an OKTA administrator

Procedure to Enable SCIM with OKTA

  1. Enable Provisioning in Okta for you ALTR application

    1. Select your existing ALTR application in Okta

    2. Navigate to the "General" tab

    3. Under "App Settings", select "Edit"

    4. Update "App Settings" so that "Provisioning" is set to "SCIM"

    5. Click Save

  2. Configure OKTA to connect to ALTR's SCIM API

    1. Navigate to the "Provisioning" tab in your Okta application

    2. Navigate to "Integration" on the left-hand nav (this should be selected by default after step 1)

    3. Under "SCIM Connection", click "Edit"

    4. In a separate tab or browser, navigate to the SSO/SCIM page in ALTR's Settings UI (/settings/preferences/sso).

    5. Select Okta as your IDP in ALTR

    6. Click the "Generate" button in Okta. This will generate the SCIM URL and bearer token for your Okta organization. Do not close this page in ALTR until you have finished enabling SCIM.

    7. Copy the Base URL from ALTR and paste it into the "SCIM connector base URL" field in Okta. Do not close the page in ALTR until you have finished enabling SCIM.

    8. In Okta, enter "userName" under Unique Identifier field for users.


      The Unique Identifier field is case sensitive

    9. In Okta, check the boxes for "Import New Users and Profile Updates", "Push New Users", and "Push Profile Updates"

    10. In Okta, set "Authentication Mode" to "HTTP Header"

    11. Copy the token from ALTR and paste it into the "Authorization" field (in the "HTTP Header" section) in Okta. Do not close the page in ALTR until you have finished enabling SCIM.

    12. Click "Save". Okta will test the connection to ALTR. If the changes save without error, you may close the safely close the SCIM URL and token in ALTR.

  3. Configure Okta to create, edit, and remove ALTR administrators

    1. Navigate to the "Provisioning" tab in your OKTA application

    2. Navigate to "To App" on the left-hand nav (this should be selected by default)

    3. Under "Provisioning to App", select "Edit"

    4. Check the boxes for the following actions: "Create Users", "Update User Attributes", and "Deactivate Users"

    5. Click Save

  4. (Optional): Enable the optional "ALTR_ADMIN_LEVEL" attribute in OKTA

    1. Navigate to the "Provisioning" tab in your Okta Application

    2. Navigate to the "To App" section in the left navigation (this should be selected by default)

    3. Under "Application Attribute Mappings", select "Go to Profile Editor"

    4. Click the "Add Attribute" button

    5. Enter "ALTR_ADMIN_LEVEL" for the following fields: "Display name", "Variable name",  "External name", and "External namespace"

    6. Under "Enum", select "Define enumerated list of values"

    7. Under "Attribute Members", create a value with the display name and value "ADMINISTRATOR". This is case sensitive.

    8. Under "Attribute Members", create a value with the display name and value "SUPERADMINISTRATOR". This is case sensitive.

    9. Under "Attribute Required", check the box to indicate that this is a required field for identities

    10. Select "Read Only" under "User Permission"

    11. Click "Save"

  5. Provision users to ALTR

    1. Navigate to your ALTR application in OKTA

    2. (Optional) Under the "Import" tab, import your existing ALTR administrators to this OKTA application. OKTA will access a list of existing ALTR administrators and attempt to match them to OKTA identities based on Username.

    3. Navigate to the "Assignments" tab

    4. Click the "Assign" button

    5. Click "Assign to People".

    6. Select an OKTA user to assign to ALTR.

    7. (Optional) If you created the custom ALTR_ADMIN_LEVEL attribute in step 4, indicate whether the user should be an Administrator or Superadministrator.

    8. Click "Save and Go Back" to finish provisioning the user

    9. Do this for each user that should have access to ALTR

Deactivating SCIM

If you choose to deactivate SCIM, then reach out to


When SCIM is deactivated, ALTR will maintain the existing administrator configuration at the time it happened. That is, the same users that have ALTR accounts while SCIM was enabled will continue to have accounts when SCIM is disabled. Disabling SCIM will also re-enable the non-SCIM routes to manage administrators, so that users can once again manually create, edit, or deactivate admins directly in ALTR.