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Manage API Keys

ALTR's APIs enable you to customize, automate, and integrate key parts of the ALTR platform. ALTR exposes multiple APIs for configuration, data management, and tokenization. ALTR's APIs use HTTP Basic Authentication, where the username is an API key name and the password is an API key secret.

For a list of ALTR's APIs, refer to API.

Create an API Key

To create an API key:

  1. Select SettingsPreferences in the Navigation menu.

  2. Click the API tab.

  3. Click the Add New button.

  4. Enter a Description for the API key.

  5. Click the Create API Key button; the New API Key Secret/Password dialog displays.

  6. Click Copy to copy the API key secret/password.


    Be sure to save the secret/password; this is the only time you are able to copy the API key secret/password.

Disable/Enable API Key

When the API key is created, it is enabled by default. Disable a key to prevent users from using it to authenticate API requests. If you disable a key that is in use, the API request will fail. Disabling an API key does not delete it from ALTR.

To disable or enable an API key:

  1. Select SettingsPreferences in the Navigation menu.

  2. Click the API tab.

  3. Double click the API key that you want to disable.

  4. Turn off the Key enabled toggle or turn on the Key disabled toggle.