Masking Types
ALTR supports several out-of-the-box masking types for column and tag policies as well as the ability to customize masking behavior. Learn more.
Refer to the following table for the supported masking types and details, including the associated ID included in the API .
Masking Type | Strategy ID (Management API) | Description | Supported Data Types | Example |
No Mask | 10000 | Users see the original data | All | Before: Georgia After: Georgia |
Show Last Four | 10003 | Users only see the last 4 characters of the data | String | Before: 1111-11-1234 After: ****-**-1234 |
10002 | Users only see data to the right of the @ symbol | String | Before: After: **** | |
Full Mask | 10001 | Users only see the length of the data | String | Before: Georgia After: ******* |
Constant Mask | 10004 | Data is replaced with a single value based on the column’s data type:
| Before: Georgia After: * |